
Creamy Tomato Basil Soup

Have you ever been to Zupa's and tried their delightful Tomato Basil soup???  Well, I have and I am a little bit more than obsessed with it.  I literally could eat it every week.  I am happy to say that I have found an exact replica of this yummy soup!

1 bottle of v8 tomato juice
1 cup heavy cream
1 cube butter
2 cans whole tomatoes (drained)
20-30 basil leaves.
Salt and pepper

1-  Simmer Tomatoes and Juice in stock pot on medium heat for 30 minutes.
2- Slowly add tomato mix to blender and puree until smooth.
3-  Puree the basil leaves in as well until smooth.
4-  Put mixture back in the stock pot and stir in the heavy cream and butter.
5-  Continue simmering on medium heat until the butter is melted.  Make sure not to boil, it will burn the soup.

Every one I have made this for raved about its delicious flavor!

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